1.1 The membership is open to any one over the age of 18 years, irrespective of race, nationality, colour, sex creed or religion.
2.1 Members must agree with the aims and objectives and rules of the trust as stated in this document. A member will fill in an application form and sign it. All the time of becoming a member an annual fee of Rs. 1,000/- will have to be paid.
3.1 There shall not be any limits to the membership.
4.1 The Board of Trustees may at its absolute discretion admit to membership any individual who supports the aims and objectives of the trust and who has agreed to pay annual subscription.
1.1 The secretary General of the trust shall maintain a register of members, in which shall be recorded the name and address of every member, the date on which they became member and ceased to be a member.
1.1 The rights and privileges of a member shall not be transferable or transferable or transmissible and all such rights and privileges shall cease upon the member ceasing to be such.
2.1 A member shall cease to be a member immediately that S/he.
a) Resigns in writing to the secretary General: or
b) Fails to play the annual subscription within three months of its becoming due; or
c) Is expelled by the Board of Trustees for conduct detrimental to the trust or dies or any other valid reason.
1.1 A trustee may resign at any time giving a notice to the secretary General in this behalf, with reasoning .
2.1 A majority of the board of trustees will be enough to decide the termination of a trustee.
10.1 The honorary officers of the trust shall be elected by the Board of Trustees which shall; compromise a:
a. Chairperson.
b. Vice Chairperson.
c. Secretary General.
d. Country Directors
e. Publicity Secretary
f. Financial Secretary
g. treasurer
10.2 The trust may also have such other officers as the Board of Trustees may decide. Any officer elected by the Board of trustees may also be removed by it.